Can you supply an IESNA LM-79 test for your fixture and an .ies file?

Yes, all of our fixtures are tested by a NVLAP accredited lab in accordance with IESNA LM-79.

Has your LED supplier provided an IESNA LM-80 test report?

Yes, all our chip manufacturers supply IESNA LM-80 criteria for use in our design.

What is the expected L70 lifetime of your fixtures? How did you calculate it?

The L70 lifetime rating for all Sternberg products is 100,000 hours. This is based on the normal operating maximum junction temperatures of the LED's. This temperature is compared to the IESNA LM-80 lifetime data supplied by the chip manufacturer. Also, the rated life of the driver is considered.

What is the lumen output and LPW (Lumen Per Watt) of the luminaire?

See product spec sheet lumen data chart for more information.

What is the PF (Power Factor) and THD (Total Harmonic Distortion) of the luminaire? How much power does it consume in the "off" state?

We design product to the industry standard .9 PF and less than 20% THD. The unit consumes 0.0W in the off state.

Are your luminaires DLC (Design Light Consortium) Listed?

See Sternbergs DLC product page for listed product on the DLC's QPL (Qualified Product List)


Are Sternberg luminaires RoHS compliant (lead-free & mercury-free)?

Yes. The fixture, LED boards, driver and components are all RoHS compliant containing no lead or mercury.


What is your product warranty?

See our Warranty page for more information:

Does the Sternberg warranty extend to transportation, installation or replacement charges?

No, Sternbergs warranty does not include transportation, installation or replacement charges.